Function 2

Function 2 plays a pivotal role in the RESPIN project by identifying gaps, needs, opportunities, and barriers to knowledge uptake from IPBES and IPCC deliverables, extending beyond the environmental sector, at the EU, national, and subnational levels. Its primary objectives include piloting subnational formats in countries with a strong decentralization of biodiversity policy, mapping existing databases, and developing recommendations to integrate data management between IPBES and IPCC. It will improve the links between IPBES and IPCC assessments and national mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services programs. Moreover, function 2 collaborates closely with other functions to engage national decision-makers, provides targeted capacity building, and enhances policy coherence between climate and biodiversity realms. Ultimately, it will develop recommendations to improve the uptake of IPBES and IPCC findings in policy-making at the national and sub-national levels and build synergies between IPBES, IPCC, Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), and corresponding national structures.

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RESPIN receives funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101135490

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