
    The leading role in this project is taken by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ. This prestigious research centre is dedicated to environmental research and strongly emphasises the sustainable utilisation of natural resources for the betterment of humanity and the environment. With approximately 1100 staff members spread across 38 departments, the centre conducts research in diverse areas concerning the environment. 
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      Yves Zinngrebe

      Role: Coordinator of the RESPIN project.
      Affiliation: Research Fellow, Department of Conservation Biology and Social-Ecological Systems, UFZ.

      • Post-Doc in Social-Ecological Interactions in Agricultural Systems, University of Göttingen (2016-2019).
      • PhD in Biodiversity and Society, focusing on biodiversity governance in Peru (2016).
      • M.Sc. in Environmental Policy and Regulation, London School of Economics and Political Science (2008-2009).
      • Dipl. Ing. in Biotechnology, Technical University of Berlin (2002-2008).


      Axel Paulsch

      Role: Member of the coordination team, focused on capacity building and facilitation of internal and external meetings.
      Affiliation: Geo-ecologist, PhD in natural sciences, Institute for Biodiversity - Network.

      • Experience at the science-policy interface in biodiversity.
      • Involvement in CBD since 2002 and IPBES since its inception.
      • Organizer of IPBES capacity-building workshops in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.
      • Lecturer at the University of Bayreuth, Germany.


      Anna Salomaa

      Role: Contributing to UFZ led tasks
      Affiliation: Visiting scientist at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)

      • PhD in environmental change and policy, University of Helsinki (2017).
      • Research on nature conservation policies, interaction between knowledge and policies, science-policy organizations, and sustainability transformations.
      • Collaboration with various practical partners.


      Yamini Yogya

      Role: Leader of the social network analysis component, notably in Work Package 2 (WP 2): Task 2.1.
      Affiliation: Completed Ph.D. in Sustainability, Arizona State University, USA (April 2024).

      • Research on climate change adaptation, power dynamics, and livelihoods, particularly within the Indian context.
      • Experience in the ACAMI project, focusing on climate adaptation interventions in Africa.
      • Master’s degree in Environmental Studies from TERI University.
      • Undergraduate honors degree in Chemistry from Delhi University.


      Hannah Korinth

      Role: Member of the project coordination team, focusing on Function 2 and the German Subnational Workshop
      Affiliation: Researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), PhD student at the University of Würzburg.

      • Holds a Research Master's in International Development Studies and a Bachelor's in Politics, Psychology, Law, and Economics from the University of Amsterdam.
      • Over four years of experience in research and project coordination for research institutes and environmental NGOs.
      • Research focus on international environmental politics and governance, specialising on policy integration and implementation at the science-policy interface.
      • PhD candidate in Political Science and Environmental Policy at the University of Würzburg from October 2024.



    The Federal Public Planning Service Science Policy or Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) is the federal government body responsible for research policy in Belgium. It designs and implements research programmes and networks and manages the participation of Belgium in European and international organisations.
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      Divija Jata

      Role: Co-leader of Function 1 along with FRB, with a focus on capacity building, stakeholder engagement and outreach.
      Affiliation: Trained as an Ecologist with specialisation in impact assessments.

      • Science policy expert with specialized expertise in biodiversity and the natural environment. Skills include facilitating and drafting science-based policy advice and strategy development; negotiations in international fora; program coordination and management; capacity building and outreach. Works very closely with the IPBES and IPCC Belgian Focal pointsn as well as the Belgian CBD National Focal Point and has experience with engaging knowledge holders within the region of Europe North and Central Asia (ECA network).




    The Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB), France, was created in 2008, following the Grenelle Environment Forum, on the initiative of the Ministries of Research and Ecology, by eight public research establishments. The mission of the FRB is to support and work with research to increase and transfer knowledge about biodiversity.
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      Alice Iscar

      Role: Leads in support of task leaders and serves as the financial liaison for FRB with the EC, focusing on financial reporting.
      Affiliation: Earned a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from King's College London and a master’s degree from La Sorbonne.

      • Practical experience through an apprenticeship at the French Ministry for Ecological Transition before her tenure at FRB.


      Hélène SOUBELET

      Role: Offers expertise on biodiversity issues, agriculture, and public health. Engages in Function 2 of the project, contributing a systemic perspective on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
      Affiliation: Holds a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree.

      • Nearly 20 years dedicated to the French ministries of agriculture and ecology.
      • Head of the French Foundation for Biodiversity Research since 2017.
      • Extensive experience in biodiversity, agriculture, and ecological advocacy.


      Nathalie Morata

      Role: Co-leads Function 1 with BELSPO, focusing on the engagement of knowledge holders. Actively involved in climate change education and citizen science programs.
      Affiliation: Trained as an oceanographer.

      • Investigated the effects of climate change on polar marine ecosystems.
      • Led the ART network under the IASC.
      • Served as a scientific advisor to the Ambassador for the Poles.
      • Strong record in science communication and educational outreach.


      Coline Leandre

      Role: Engages in Function 1 of the RESPIN project, emphasizing the involvement and mobilization of knowledge holders. Provides methodological support in survey execution and stakeholder coordination.
      Affiliation: Pursued an agricultural engineering degree specializing in public policy, territorial stakeholders, and natural resource management at Montpellier SupAgro.

      • Contributed to the French Committee for IPBES and the research program on anthropogenic pressures and terrestrial biodiversity impact.
      • Enhanced the interaction between French stakeholders and global biodiversity efforts



    The HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research is working on proposing scientific solutions to the environmental challenges of our time, such as changes in land use, habitat degradation, climate change, urbanisation, the effects of intensive agriculture, invasion and the emergence of new diseases. The research centre has nearly 80 researchers, organised into research groups, deal with numerous groups of organisms and habitats, applying diverse methodological approaches. In addition to its basic research activities, it also carries out several public monitoring tasks and applied research activities.
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      Timea Németh

      Role: Engages mainly in HUNREN-CER's Functions 1 and 2, with a co-lead role in Function 2.
      Affiliation: Holds an MSc in Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Management.

      • Focuses on projects enhancing the Science-Policy interface for the Convention on Biological Diversity and incorporates climate considerations via RESPIN.
      • Experience as a research fellow, gaining valuable scientific insight in both lab and field settings.
      • International coordinator role at MVNH, known for her language skills and communicative prowess.


      András Báldi

      Role: Leads the Hungarian team and co-leads Function 2, focusing on representing the perspectives of East EU member countries.
      Affiliation: Member of both Academia Europaea and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

      • Served on the IPBES' Knowledge and Data Task Force.
      • Authored the Europe and Central Asia Assessment.
      • Participation in science-policy interfaces, such as the European Biodiversity Partnership.


      Eszter Tanács

      Role: Heads the Hungarian team and co-leads Function 2 within the project, focusing on articulating the viewpoints of Eastern EU member states.
      Affiliation: Member of both Academia Europaea and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

      • Participation in the IPBES' Knowledge and Data Task Force.
      • Authored the Europe and Central Asia Assessment.
      • Active involvement in science-policy interfaces, such as the European Biodiversity Partnership.



    Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE), Finland, is a multidisciplinary research and expert service institute focused on delivering information, knowledge and solutions to public and private decision-making on sustainability transformation. SYKE provides essential expertise in social sciences (environmental governance and policy, transition studies, and economics) and nature-based solutions, biodiversity, water, marine, food, health, urbanisation, and transport.
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      Anna Lipsanen

      Role: Manages research and coordination tasks, specializing in stakeholder engagement for Function 3.
      Affiliation: Doctoral Researcher within the Climate Solutions unit at the Finnish Environment Institute.

      • Specializes in adaptation research, policy analysis, and examining climate change's overlap with biodiversity.
      • Focus on social justice and energy transitions.
      • Pursuing a PhD in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences at the University of Helsinki.
      • Completed a Master’s in Climate Change at the University of Copenhagen.


      Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki

      Role: Function/WP leader, focusing on EU level SPI, future science service collaboration, and aligning climate with biodiversity policies.
      Affiliation: Adjunct professor with over two decades dedicated to environmental issues, particularly in biodiversity, climate, and sustainability policies.

      • PhD in Environmental Policy.
      • Significant record of SPI work in various contexts.


      Dalia D’Amato

      Role: Research in Functions 2 and 3, focusing on the mapping of national climate change and biodiversity knowledge users, and enhancing private sector engagement with IPBES and IPCC.
      Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist at the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), Adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki

      • Societal and organizational sustainability transformations, with an emphasis on biodiversity issues.
      • PhD in Forest Economics and Marketing (University of Helsinki), and two MSc degrees in ecology and biodiversity management (University of Sussex and University of Roma Tre).


      Samuli Pitzen

      Role: Focuses on policy coherence analysis in Function 3, engaged in research design and implementation, including document review, conducting interviews, and facilitating workshops with policy actors.
      Affiliation: Researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute.

      • Master of Social Sciences, currently pursuing a PhD in Environmental Policy.
      • Research interests include various environmental challenges, emphasizing the intricacies of policy formation and implementation processes.


      Johan Munckaf Rosenschold

      Role: Primarily works in Function 2, focusing on the exploration of knowledge use in climate change and biodiversity, and the creation of methodological tools for the RESPIN project.
      Affiliation: Group Manager and Senior Research Scientist within the Climate Change Program at the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke).

      • PhD in Environmental Policy.
      • Expertise in justice in adaptation strategies and the monitoring of adaptations.
      • Lead author of the European Climate Risk Assessment, a project under DG CLIMA and published by the European Environment Agency.



    Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre (CREAF), Spain, is a public research centre dedicated to terrestrial ecology, territorial analysis and global change, pursuing excellence in the production and dissemination of knowledge, in addition to the innovation, development, and transfer of methodologies. The centre strives to contribute to knowledge on conservation and management of the environment and the territory, in addition to adaptation to environmental change at local, regional, and global scales, functioning as a bridge between academia, administrations, and society, and promoting awareness within its scope of activities.
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      Dr. Alicia Perez-Porro

      Role: CREAF's RESPIN coordinator & function 2 co-leader.
      Affiliation: Head of Policy Engagement and Institutional Relations, CREAF.

      • MSc and PhD in Biodiversity, University of Barcelona.
      • MA in International Relations and Diplomacy, Fletcher School at Tufts University (GMAP’21).
      • Member of the IIED Board of Trustees, IIED-Europe Supervisory Board, and the Spanish Science Media Center advisory board.
      • Selected as an expert for the EU Science Diplomacy Working Groups.


      Anna de las Heras Carles

      Role: Part of the Coordination of Function 2 and Sub-National Workshops

      • Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Studies
      • Specialized in policy mechanisms of climate and biodiversity procedures.
      • Worked in forest adaptation and climate advocacy, conducting projects in Europe and Latin America.
      • Active member of YOUNGO, representing youth interests in international climate policy.
      • MSc in Crisis and Security Management, specializing in the securitization of climate change, with a focus on emergency planning and disaster management.


      Lluis Brotons

      Role: Function 2 Coordinator
      Affiliation: Senior CSIC Researcher; Associate Researcher at the Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC) and at the Institut Català d'Ornitologia (ICO).

      • PhD in Biological Sciences, Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Spain.
      • Conducted research on terrestrial agro-forestry systems, ecology, statistical, landscape and species distribution modeling, and remote sensing science in leading institutions in Spain, Finland, Canada, Australia, USA, and France.
      • Associate Editor of Diversity & Distributions, The Ibis, and Nature Conservation.
      • Since April 2024, member of the Scenarios and Models Task Force of the IPBES, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.


      Daniel Villero

      Role: Function 2 Coordinator
      Affiliation: Researcher on Biodiversity Loss; Associate Researcher at the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) and the Catalan Institute of Ornithology (ICO); Chair of the Spanish Herpetological Society.

      • PhD in Biodiversity, University of Barcelona.
      • Published over 45 scientific publications (h-index 13 in Google Scholar; 15 SCI) in prestigious journals such as Nature, Conservation Letters, and Journal of Applied Ecology.
      • Contributed to various technical reports linked to national and international research projects.
      • Participated in over 20 knowledge transfer projects in national and international calls.
      • Formerly worked at the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia with extensive experience in science-policy interfaces in biodiversity conservation and environmental planning.



    Coproducing Knowledge for Sustainability (CoKnow Consulting), Germany, is an international consulting agency in environment, development and capacity building. They support the exchange and cooperation between science, politics and society in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. In doing so, they offer creative methods and facilitation processes to develop new knowledge and sustainable solutions (codesign of solutions).
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      Jennifer Hauck

      Role: Oversees digital learning development by evaluating the online learning landscape and leveraging project outcomes to enhance and expand online training and digital learning modalities.
      Affiliation: Senior Programme Officer at CoKnow Consulting.

      • Nearly two decades of experience in interdisciplinary research focused on sustainability and knowledge co-production.
      • Certified trainer in adult education and multimedia learning methods.



    The Humboldt Institute, Colombia, linked to Colombia's Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, researches biodiversity and its relation to human well-being. Established in 1993, it operates from multiple sites, including Villa de Leyva, Bogotá, and Palmira, hosting national biodiversity collections and field researchers. Funded by public resources and international cooperation, it manages various research projects and collaborations.
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      Carlos Adolfo Hernández Mercado

      Role: Contact person and RESPIN project coordinator for Colombia at the Humboldt Institute. Involved in Functions 1, 2, and 3, focusing on cooperation and international affairs in the science, technology, and innovation sector, alongside vocational training.
      Affiliation: Senior Specialist for Cooperation and International Affairs at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Biological Resources Research.

      • Coordinated with the Science and Technology Policy Committee of the OECD.
      • Worked as a university professor in International Relations and Political Science.
      • Holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and a Master's degree in Political and International Affairs.
      • Over 10 years of experience in cooperation and international affairs within the Colombian Government.


      Orlando Vargas Rayo

      Role: Professional passionate about biodiversity conservation.
      Affiliation: Not specified.

      • Over ten years of experience in socioeconomic research and environmental economics for the public sector, private companies, and international organizations.
      • Technical and management skills in projects that formulate solutions respectful of local values.
      • Expertise in the design of environmental economic instruments, valuation of ecosystem services, land use planning, and generation of multi-stakeholder agreements.
      • Experience as a postgraduate and undergraduate lecturer.



    Pensoft Publishers, Bulgaria, is an SME specialising in academic, open-access book and journal publishing, software development and web design, project dissemination, and science communication. The company’s project department is a motivated team of active scientists, project managers and science communicators offering services including consultancy and development of communication strategies, plans for dissemination and exploitation, and data management plans.
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      Boris Barov

      Role: Project Manager at Pensoft, involved in Function 4 responsible for up-scaling and communicating the project’s results.
      Affiliation: Pensoft Publishers.

      • Ecologist with 20 years of experience in biodiversity, nature conservation, and business sustainability at the international level.
      • Experienced team leader of non-profit, academic, and industry partners.
      • Recognized for diplomacy, advocacy, and stakeholder involvement skills.


      Eva Slavov

      Role: Science-policy communication expert at Pensoft Publishers, supporting the promotion, dissemination, and communication of the project’s mission, developments, and outputs.
      Affiliation: Pensoft Publishers.

      • Holds a degree in Public International Law from Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
      • Experience in a regional fisheries management organization.
      • Expertise in strategic communication and content creation.
      • Working on EU-funded projects focused on biodiversity, climate policies, and transformative change.



    University of Lubumbashi (UNILU), Democratic Republic of Congo, located in the copper-rich province of Katanga in the south of the country, has the advantage of being situated in a naturally rich environment. The province's fauna, flora, soil and subsoil make it a geological scandal and a site for scientific research.
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      Mylor Ngoy Shitcha

      Role: Coordinator of functions aimed at empowering knowledge holders and users, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
      Affiliation: Ordinary Professor at the University of Lubumbashi (UNILU).

      • Expertise in Plant Biology and the Environment.
      • Involved in IPBES activities, contributing to assessments of mining activities' impact on biodiversity.
      • Advances the interface between science, policy, and practice in biodiversity conservation.
      • Leads targeted surveys and workshops to enhance collaboration and understanding among stakeholders in Central Africa.



    The UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is a global centre of excellence on biodiversity and nature’s contribution to society and the economy. We work at the interface of science, policy, and practice to tackle the global crisis facing nature and support the transition to a sustainable future for people and the planet.
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      Claire Brown

      Role: Leads Function 4 of the RESPIN project, focusing on raising awareness of IPBES and IPCC processes and findings, and developing webinars and training courses for science-policy-practice engagement.
      Affiliation: UNEP-WCMC.

      • Is a Principal Technical Specialist, with over 20 years of experience working on the science-policy interface and is involved in projects at the global, regional and national level.

        Heads the Technical Support Unit on Policy Support Tools and Methodologies for IPBES

        Has supported IPBES, since its development, including overseeing the development of the Guide for Assessments

      Justine Lancelin

      Role: Supports Function 4 of the RESPIN project, focusing on raising awareness of IPBES and IPCC processes and findings, and developing webinars and training courses for science-policy-practice engagement.
      Affiliation: UNEP-WCMC.

      • Almost 3 years at UNEP-WCMC, part of the Policy Innovation area.
      • Supports governments in developing and implementing biodiversity policies.
      • Involved in the Capacity Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Experts (CABES) Project.
      • Provides technical assistance to eight African countries to establish national biodiversity platforms and foster IPBES engagement.



    RESPIN receives funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101135490

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