
Description of Functions

The RESPIN project is organised into five functions, strategically combining related work packages to streamline workflow and promote efficiency, ensuring that teams can focus on specific objectives while fostering synergistic collaboration and maximizing the utilization of specialized expertise.

Function 1: Empowering knowledge holders

Function 1 enhances the participation of diverse knowledge holders in IPBES and IPCC by assessing engagement levels, improving capacity-building activities, and fostering long-term collaboration.

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Function 2:  Empowering knowledge users at the national and sub-national level



Function 2 identifies gaps and barriers in using IPBES and IPCC findings across various levels, aiming to improve data integration, policy coherence, and collaboration between climate and biodiversity efforts.
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Function 3: Developing future perspectives for SPI engagement at the EU level
Function 3 integrates IPBES and IPCC findings into EU decision-making, enhances policy coherence, develops private sector engagement formats, and supports EU delegations in international negotiations.
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Function 4: Up-scaling and communicating
Function 4 raises awareness of IPBES and IPCC processes by translating findings into accessible resources, developing training courses, establishing a collaborative platform, and fostering strategic partnerships for effective outreach and dissemination.
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Function 5: Coordinating and consolidating processes
Function 5 ensures coordination and synergy among project activities through regular meetings, a steering committee, and an Advisory Board, providing complementary reports and recommendations to key partners and remaining adaptable to future developments.
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RESPIN receives funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101135490

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